- In order to secure all that is best in the education of children the maximum co-operation and support between parents and school authorities is desired. They should not pay much need to the complaints of the children, but should try to inculcate in them respect, love and admiration for their teachers, authorities and management and inspire them to maintain discipline and honesty.
- The parents shall inform the school authorities any change of their address and phone number.
- Ensure that your child is regular & punctual. Incentive prizes are instituted for students with 100% attendance.
- The parents cannot claim or dictate on matters of admission, dismissal and promotion of a student.
- Parents are requested to make their complaints , if any , directly to the school authorities and not to the teachers.
- Ensure that your child comes to school neatly dressed and maintains the dress code prescribed for them.
- Parents are requested to send wholesome and healthy lunch in unbreakable containers, along with a towel.
- Do not meet the teachers during class hour without the permission of the Principal.
- Excursions are part of education. Encourage your child to avail of this facility as it develops team spirit, co-operation and leadership among the children.
- The school expects your whole hearted participation in all the school functions and workshops conducted by the school.
- Kindly ensure that your child sets aside timely school work daily. You are requested not to create an atmosphere of stress at home as regards to academic pursuits. However, you are most welcome to discuss any point pertaining to the child with the Principal or the respective teacher after consulting the Principal.
- Neither the management nor the teachers will be responsible for the safety of the children on their way from home to school vice versa. It is up to the parents or guardians to see to their safety on the way. The school takes no responsibility if students are sent back during the working hours for disciplinary reason.
- Parents are earnestly requested to enforce regularity and discipline at home and look into their children’s school dairy every day, and see to it that the lessons and home work assigned for the next day are done.
- Parents are particularly expected to sign the principal’s or teacher’s remarks after reading them. Failure to do this may put their children to great inconvenience.
- Criticism of a student’s teacher in his/her presence should be seriously avoided because it causes the student to lose his/her teacher with the consequent failure to learn from his/her.
- The student, whose parents / guardians misbehave with the school authorities, will be removed from the school.
- Parents must note the progress card is issued and make sure that they go through the marks. Sign and return the progress card without delay, so that the child may not be kept out of the class.
- Attending the P T A meeting as well as other important functions in the school are a duty and a service, parents owe their children.
- Parents are requested not to send for or call away their children during class hours except in the case of an emergency and that too with the permission of the principal either directly or with an authorization letter.
- Children should take care of their belongings. It is advised that every article should bear the name of its owner.
- Parents must submit a written request and provide one month notice for any of the withdrawals.
- The withdrawal notice must be given in writing by the person responsible for the student and not by the student.
- T.C will be issued only after settlement of all dues.
- T.C can be released only after three weeks of the receipt of the T.C application. Please note that most Transfer certificates have to be counter signed by the Asst. Secretary, Regional Office, CBSE, Chennai.
- Once a child is admitted, the admission fee is not refundable.